Friday, June 19, 2009

Finally, so worth the wait..

Out of my League by Stephen Speaks, a song i've been listening to like crazy lately..

it's her hair and her eyes today
that just simply take me away
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love
makes me shiver but in a good way
all the times i have sat and stared
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say
coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
coz she’s all that I see and she’s all that I need
and i'm out of my league once again

it's a masterful melody when she calls out my name to me
as the world spins around her she laughs, rolls her eyes
and i feel like i'm falling but it's no surprise
coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands
cause it's frightening to be swimming in this st
range sea
but i'd rather be here than on land
yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need
and i'm out of my league once again

it's her hair and her eyes today
that just simply take me away
and the feeling that i'm falling further in love

makes me shiver but in a good way
all the times i have sat and stared
as she thoughtfully thumbs through her hair
and she purses her lips, bats her eyes as she plays,
with me sitting there slack-jawed and nothing to say
coz i love her with all that i am
and my voice shakes along with my hands

cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea
but i'd rather be here than on land
yes she's all that i see and she's all that i need

and i'm out of my league once again

meanwhile, nilai2 gw semester ini edun euy!
yg gw pikir ga akan lulus tiba2 jadi A! B!
padahal sebelumnya transkrip gw isi senyawa karbon semua,
 tapi sekarang..

i'm off. mau nangis dulu.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Killing Time

Ok, hellish week is now stepping in..
Means gotta face train of exams, papers, homeworks, blablablah.

Guess what am i doing?
Well, that pic is your hint. And none of them has anything to do with my college stuffs. Ha-ha.

Here are some close-ups of my retardworks.

"What's up Kuningaaaaaaannnn?????"

Seems familiar?
no? then i failed as a self-proclaimed artist.. (or you never watch that cheesy show..heh).

Note: you should check out Kris's live performance of, it was breath-taking!

Anyway, looks like i haven't lost my touch in sketching.. (though i already lost faith in my grades..*sigh*).


Damn, this paper is annoying!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We Are Making Memories..

lo pernah mikir soal hidup? minimal soal hidup lo sendiri. kayak pas lo kebangun malem2 terus kebius sama pemandangan di luar jendela, pas lagi merhatiin air hujan yg netes pasrah di ujung daun, atau mungkin pas lo lagi syahdu2nya jongkok di atas kloset sambil sesekali mengerang.

yea, momen2 yg maksa lo buat ngereka ulang hidup, ngeliat lagi pengalaman2 yang ninggalin gurat di muka.
staring into your invisible mirror. yourself.

akhir2 ini gw sering tenggelam dalam momen2 itu.

Now playing: Kenny G - Loving You

jujur, ada semacem pleasure sendiri pas lo ngerangkul masa lalu, yang udah ga bisa diubah lagi, yang udah ditaro jauh2 dari jangkauan kita oleh waktu.
gw kadang senyum sendiri, berdecak sendiri, misah misuh sendiri, ngegumam berulang2 : andai..andai..andai..
yep, "andai" itu bener2 mantra tertinggi ketika ngelamun tentang hidup.

andai pas masih balita ga pindah ke indonesia, gw mungkin udah kawin sama bule, punya anak selusin.
andai pas smp nembak si anu, gw mungkin masuk infotainment, dipajang di papan2 iklan pinggir jalan.
andai pas awal kuliah belajar yg bener, mungkin gw udah jalan2 keliling eropa.
tinggal ngedip dikit, beasiswa dapet, tinggal buka baju dikit, cewek2 ngerubung, tinggal buka celana dikit, ambulans dateng.

yah, banyak yg gw inget, banyak yg gw sesali, banyak yg gw syukuri. tetep, gw baru bisa ngeliat jelek dan indahnya perjalanan idup gw setelah itu gw serahin sama waktu.

ada 1 momen yg gw inget pas sma. waktu itu udah menjelang kelulusan, kita abis maen basket outdoor malem2 trus baringan di lapangan basket sambil ngatur napas. temen baek gw, otong (nama disamarkan demi nama baik korban, red), ngomong sambil ngedesah :

Otong (O) : Har..hhh..
Gw(G) : hmm.
O : hhh...
G : ....
O : hhh..
G : .........
O : HHHHH...
G : ...............lo ga lg orgasme kan tong?

Ok, Cut. Retake.

Courtesy of
O : Har..
: hmm.

: km tau ndak? aku tu nek ngeliat langit malem2 tu jadi inget idupku..

: hmm.

: ho oh, analoginya, langit malem itu hidup kita, trus bintang2 itu kenangan2 yg ngisi idup kita.

: hmm.

: semakin banyak bintang, malem tu semakin indah ya tho?
bandingin dengan malem polos tok, ndak ada bintangnya, km bakal bosen ngeliat ke atas kan?
: hmm.

: yah, aku tu kepingin punya banyak hal yg bisa dikenang aja har, buat ngisi idupku..

pengen malemku tu berbintang..
biar enak aja dipandang.

: ...............

Krik, krik, krik.

: hmm.

: ketek berbulu sama ketek polos doang, mana yg enak dipandang?

O : ................

well, di balik desah2 mesra kaum sodomnya itu, omongan si otong cukup ngebekas di gw. paling gak itu yg gw rasain sekarang. ya, sama kayak pas lo ngobrol sama orang laen, yg lo obrolin tuh things you both have in common, right? yep, itu juga yg gw bahas pas ngobrol dg diri gw sendiri.

we talked about memories.

semakin banyak kenangan yg bisa diobrolin, semakin akrab lo dengan diri lo sendiri, semakin kenal lo dengan diri lo. bener tah?

dari situ gw juga nemuin banyak pertanyaan yg selama ini mati2an gw sembunyiin. pertanyaan yg jawabannya sederhana, tapi gw kasih selubung hipokrit. yang jawabannya di depan mata, tapi gw paksa2in merem. ngegaung di telinga, tapi gw usir dg teriakan2 skeptis.

Gw bicara tentang kejelekan2 gw.

gw nemuin saat2 di mana gw ga kenal sama diri sendiri. pas gw tiba2 berevolusi jadi sodara kembar orang laen. pas gw ketawa gaul di luar tapi ada yg ngeraung2 di dalem. saat2 gw menderita krisis identitas akut.

yah minimal gw punya waktu untuk jujur dg diri sendiri. gw masih punya momen tersenyum yg murni terekstrapolasi dari hati. masih ada kembang yg mekar di balik tembang kenangan gw, wanginya masih gw cium sampe sekarang.

Now playing : Amber Van Vleet - Sunray Smile

dan selalu ada resolusi yang lahir setelah ini.

Just lay back and take your time,,


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Flashback : Seminar oh Seminar

hmm, ada draft tulisan gw buat bulan januari kemaren, tapi g sempet gw post. tapi biar semangat blogging gw kerasa (side effect dari post gw soal dedikasi ini..), jadi gw publish sekarang ajalah.

lagi2 postingan gw delay. kredibilitas blog gw bener2 dipertaruhkan. cih. banyak yg pengen gw ceritain. tapi gw masih kemakan sama otoritas karakter yg gw piara baek2 : males.
so bear with me..ok?

tgl 3 desember kemaren gw ikutan seminar wirausaha mandiri. agak basi emang, ya terserah gw lah, blog gw juga.
gw ikut seminar itu juga gara2 joe yg ngedaptarin gw. oh, joe ini cewek tulen, walo otaknya sedikit liar untuk ukuran cewek normal. nama aselinya annisa, artinya wanita. padahal menurut gw, lebih cocok klo dikasi nama si jampang.
salahkan hormon testosteronnya yang berlebih.

seminarnya diadain di JCC. Jakarta Convention Center. kita kumpul di depan gerbang kampus trus berangkat naek bus kampus. gratis.
berangkat dari bandung jam setengah 6 pagi, n sampe di TKP jam 9an.

yg bikin gw agak2 bergairah si, di sono gw ketemu sama temen2 lama dan..cewek2 manis. salah satunya yang duduk di sebelah kiri gw.
namanya indah, anak trisakti fak. ekonomi. ato hukum ya? lupa gw. rambutnya merah.

gw bilang : sangaaaat elegan.

bener2 kontradiktif dengan cewek sebelah kanan gw, joe, anak ITB jurusan Oseanografi.

gw bilang : sangaaat preman.

selain itu ada mbak artika sari devi yg jadi MC. mantap. dan ada dian sastro juga.
sayang gw kagak bawa kamera, jadi gak ada foto2 gw tebarkan di sini. ini juga salah satu penyesalan gw taon kemaren. kamera selalu gak ada pas momen2 yg seharusnya diabadikan. malah pas gw gak mandi 3 hari, kamera nggeletak di mana2.

isi seminar gak penting. paling gak buat gw. kita malah sibuk pasang pose setiap kamera tipi nyorot kita. benar benar..benar benar..


abis itu ditutup sama band samsons. para abege2 langsung tereak lari ke panggung, sedangkan tetua2 macam gw (dan joe, setelah dia gw laso karena mo ikut2an histeris di depan) diem di sini aja, sibuk mikirin utang negara.

gw gak nyesel ikut seminar ini kerna, gw dapet duit 200rebo, kfc, sama backpack. gratis tis. mantap.

yap, masalah seminar selese. gak tau juga kenapa gw bahas seminar jadul itu. yg penting ada bahan buat cerita.

selamet taon baru juga lah. semoga resolusi taon ini gak penuh sarang laba2 lagi. amin.

trus, sekarang gw lagi sibuk. mo ngurus TA ato skripsi ato apalah itu, tapi gak napsu. napsu gw suda teralokasikan ke hal2 yg jauh lebih penting dari itu. gak perlu gw kasi penjelasan.

segitu dolo, semester baru suda dateng. semoga rotasi nasib gw berenti dan gw bakal berdiri di posisi zenith idup gw. amin.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Band of Brothers (and a Sister?)

I'm just curious about lot of things (not to mention about my long hiatus blogging). Perhaps because i don't have anything to do lately. Specifically, i don't WANT to have anything to do lately. You know, let the time passes by for me to crouch on my spot. Honestly i really don't have any fun thing to share. Yea, there's storm-thingy going on my brain as my fingers typing. Yet in the end, it's just a wide blank. Waaay to go to write a post.

So these are some of my random thoughts..
Me and my friends from same department just formed a band several weeks ago (YEAH!). It started off in a usual conversation at class and someone got a hunch. Yea, Andre's mind was ticked and we just nodded voluntarily. Anyway, Andre is my compatriot in terms of laziness and such, along with Probo. This circle of joy would be complete if lil Tata is not too dilligent to be in the same league with us. Sigh.

We've been wondering what kind of band it would be, where would it be headed and such. Because we have way too different tastes to mix up. Like, i'm so into acoustics thing, you know, like a song with melodical and infectious sound to play on. A type of music that used to be served by solo artist and br
ings the audiences into dramatic feelings. Something like that. Btw, i was pointed out to be a drummer, what a miles beetween that and my comfort instrument, an acoustic guitar. I did have memories projecting me sit behind snare and stuffs , so. It wouldn't hurt to give it a second try.
Check out his live version!

On the other hand, Tata, my vocalist, is a real pop-mellow-slash-RnB fan (i guess) but she is one hella singer! However, i think she's kinda open for any type of musics except for anything related to my lead guitarist's specialty.
Yea, the magic word is


Man, Andre, our lead guitarist, is so mad at this kinda distortion filled sounds. Well, as a truly defender of metal force, he got amazing skills to be reckon with, of course (otherwise we just kick the
shit out of him). Luckily, he could hold back his passionate madness for the sake of our band. Sure, there's a long journey ahead and the last thing we ever wanna see is someone's going insane because too much choking distortion.

And the last member, is our bassist (oh yeah, i save the best for the last, mate). The name's Probo, and he was sooo remarkable at anything..

but playing music instruments. T.T

I mean he seems like an enthusiastic guy first and when the curtain's lifted up he's like, "so where should i put my fingers actually?".

Wasn't that refreshing?

Inexperience is one thing, but when he jumped into action every single note was a punchline, ha! Well, it's what makes this fun and enjoyable.
The good news was, he said he would catch up and we hope we can count on that. Cause put all of those craps aside, he is a fun guy with a freakish mind. (Gimme a high five, Prob..)

Sounds promising eh?

Our first attempt finding our sounds began at a small studio near campus. there were few songs we'd like to try but due to our limited skills, somehow, it turned into play-anything-you-can kinda things. Andre had a love at first sight with amps and seems busy making out with his so-called magic guitar. I was back to my favorite couples, a guitar and a mic stand, although there were times i had to sit and made some beat with strange percussions. Tata was a humming bird, singing along with any sounds that came out from our instruments, checking out lyrics in her i-pod, on and on. Probo? he was just lying around on the corner, making a dead wish.

Ok, kidding. (can't i have some fun, people?)

He'd been on his way to be a good students. At least when we played With Arms Wide Open by Creed, he didn't mess up. Speaking of which, i sucked on drumming, gotta admit it. I screwed the tempo several times and acted like nothing's happened. instead, i shifted the blame to Probo and made him think like it was his mistake. o yeah.
Overall we just had a smooth sailing.

Apart from those, still, we haven't decided what song to practice on. Maybe Stay by NFG ft. Lisa Loeb, or still hanging onto Creed's songs. I dunno. I, personally, wanna play Journey-Don't Stop Believing, or some Jason Mraz's for some acoustic sessions. That's that.

Argh, my head start spinning. I guess i don't need someone to sing me happy kitty to make me sleepy (I still envy you, Sheldon).
To hell with all those assignments craps!


ok, gw akui. konsisten nulis itu susah.
lagi2 blog gw terlantar sekian bulan.
ide ada, cerita ada, waktu ada.
yang gak ada itu dedikasi.

maka topik gw kali ini adalah : dedikasi.

arg, terlalu berat. gw kurangin dikit jadi : sekianterimakasi.

besok gw nulis lagi, paling gak blog gw keisi dulu. ciao.