sekian lama kaga posting. hmm..setaon? serasa baru kemaren.heheh.
sekarang gw cuma mo cerita siklus kuliah idup gw yg baru. akhir2 ini kesibukan gw bertambah banyak. kontradiksi dg kuliah gw yg semakin awut-awutan, gw sekarang nyoba buat nekunin Kerja Praktek(KP) gw. awalnya gw daptar di Siemens, trus di General Electric juga. tapi balasan surat lamaran gw ga kunjung datang. padahal uda gw sertakan seperangkat alat sholat sama emas sekian gram. malah gw kasi bonus poto gw plus tanda tangan dg ucapan, "for Ujang, HRD Siemens". tapi masi kaga tembus. siapa yg salah?
karena gw males ngirim2 surat cinta lagi, gw nebeng temen2 yg mao KP ke RS anu. menurut gw KP di rumah sakit tu tampak lumayan asik. cewe2 manis pasti pada berserakan. banyak suster2 imut pada ngesot, dokter2 muda yg lagi nyari calon suami, pasien2 yg lagi patah hati dan butuh temen curhat, dan laen laen. berbekal harapan melambung itulah, gw menggebu2 pengen survey ke RS anu tersebut. sayang, malah mimpi gw melambung gara2 ditendang gigi depan suster resepsionis yg gw temuin di TKP. giginya itu lo.
giginya. itu. loh.
tiap dia ngomong, gw berusaha menahan gejolak dalam diri gw untuk gak niup peluit dan dengan brutal langsung ngangkat bendera, "PRIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! ANDA OFFSIDE SUSTER...!!".
gw pulang dg shock yg teramat sangat.
akhirnya di sinilah gw terdampar. di LIPI Bandung. gedung PPET. lante 2. ngasi laporan perkembangan simulasi proyek Wireless ECG gw.
jujur, gw tertarik sama topik ini. bagi yg ga tau wireless, wireless tu ga pake kabel, artinya ecege yg kaga pake kabel. klo masi kaga ngerti juga, lo sunat 2 kali ampe 'barang' lo abis, nah lo sekarang tu jadi manusia wireless. ngerti ora son??
trus yg kaga tau apa itu ecege, cari di wiki. dasar pemales lo.
yg bikin gw tertarik tuh topik ini adalah topik presentasi gw dulu pas kuliah anatomi dan fisiologi, sementara gw dihina dina lorenza depan kelas sama ibu dosen luar biasa gw. padahal cuman gara2 gw presentasi dg slide yg simpel, yg sekali keluar cuma 1 frase.
bukannya gw males (ok, itu salah satu alesan gw juga), gw cuman ngikutin teori tante Terri Sjodin untuk ngebuat presentasi yg unik dan memorable. dg ngasi slide yg transisi 1 frasenya secara simultan, kan gw jadi mancing audiens buat excited dan kaga bosen.
jadi ceritanya, gw ngeluarin keyword dan gw kupas abis2an. uraian yg menuh2in slide dan bikin audiens sakit mata gak gw masukin, sebaliknya gw ngasi slide 1 frasa dg font gede, biar persuasif. lantas dg lincah dan anggun gw paparin semua elmu gw. gw coba bergaya kasual dan menaikturunkan intonasi suara gw bak motivator ulung. satu frasa kunci itu gw peres ga bersisa, sampe ke gugus2 informasi terkecil, bahkan pas pembahasan kelainan sinyal jantung, gw kasi struktur sinyal apa dg deviasi berapa milimeter, menyebabkan kelainan apa. sampe istilah kedokterannya gw beri. gak lupa setiap kalimat diakhiri dg, "gimana semua? luar biasa??". beuh, mantabs.
tapi apa kata dosen gw? "kamu ini kok buat slidenya ga niat amat?"
gw berbusa.
dg motivasi inilah, gw pengen ngebuktiin ke dosen gw itu klo gw niat. hiah! makan itu bu!
gw di sini bareng temen gw, rian. tugas kami di sini adalah sebage tukang simulasi. jadi sebelom masuk ke perancangan device, lo kudu simulasiin dulu rangkaian lo untuk meriksa metode lo, validasi model, eksplorasi peluang error, biar lebih paham konsep, dkk. intinya, lo latian dulu sebelom terjun ke arena yg sebenernya. jadilah selama 2 bulan ini gw ngelongo depan laptop gw, utak atik rangkaian tiap ari, ambil sampling sinyal buat verifikasi filter, nyusun script untuk generate sinyal jantung secara real time, dan maen solitaire.
yg bikin gw agak napas si, dosen pembimbing gw orgnya santai, orang pas pertama ngobrolin jadwal KP,
"jadi jadwal KP kami gimana pak?"
"oh, terserah kalian, klo mau masuk ya masuk, klo ga juga gapapa.."
gw mao lompat, rian mangap.
"lagian tugas kalian kan simulasi, bisa dikerjain di rumah kan??"
si bapak nyengir.
karena gw ini termasuk makhluk liar, yg klo kagak diiket bisa kencing sembarangan, rian pun berinisiatip untuk memberikan jadwal sendiri buat kami. bahkan dia ngebuat timeline. targetnya adalah sampe ngebikin prototipe. gw mesem. target gw ngencingin tiang listrik gagal.
oh rian, kenapa kau harus dilahirkan??
eniwei, selaen KP. gw juga berbisnis. gw bisnis konveksi. alias nerima pesenan kaos, jaket, training, dsb. lo bisa ngasi desain ato minta didesainin. kita home production, dengan titel, cumi-cumi promomedia. motto kami, empat kali empat enam belas, cuman liat liat harus ditumpas. heh, makanya beli dong mas!
trakhir, gw lusa ada ujian bahasa prancis. mampus.
haaaaahhhhhhh...akhirnya gw ngegoBLOG lagi..
À plus tard,
Dah lama gak ngeblog ya? hehehe..
jurusan gw gak ada KP niyh.. alhasil selama liburan ini gw nyoba magang.. cuman anehnya gak banyak yang bisa gw kerjain selama masuk kantor.. paling cuman ngeliatin kk sepupu gw (yang juga kerja di tempat gw magang) ngerjain kerjaannya.. gw jadi suka ngantuk2 sendiri.. huhu..
yup, temen gw juga kebanyakan gitu..tapi mang klo magang biasanya ga dikasi proyek ato cuma pelatihan biasa aja..
heheh..nikmati waktu luang lo deh, u'll miss it when u get busy..
nih cerita yang bikin gara2 gw bisa ngakak lagi....Istilahnya abis ujan terbit terbit matahari...Terutama the suster part wakakaakakakk......Dasar gelo!
Being superior to judge stretch, scamper, and time is the key to move in the course an intersection safely.
A reputable [url=]florida traffic school [/url]can help you understand this.
Drivers be compelled be superior to determine how much in good time always it determination adopt them to proceed washing one's hands of the intersection at their current suddenness of travel.
Do they take the span at that promote to safely travelling the required aloofness before a cross-traffic situation occurs?
You obligated to be willing to block within the pattern 100 feet prior to an intersection.
If you befall to pass these marks, do not back your conveyance up, as pedestrians may be walking behind your vehicle.
Passing lanes are in behalf of passing. There is no affair or dodge to driving, the driver moral needs to be paying attention.
Motor mechanism operators should urgency a enthusiasm lane when the attempted maneuver is perceived as protected and shrewd and can be completed without the use of excessive speed.
The maneuver must also be completed within a reasonable amount of time, and the driver be required to fool adequate visibility of all roadways and vehicles he or she may upset or be mannered by.
Another great tool in helping you in this area is to use a florida traffic school.
Drivers should be advised that highway on-ramps are after entrance to and preparation as a service to highway driving. When entering highways, drivers requisite no longer travel at the drastically reduced speeds of the essence on new zealand urban area driving.
Drivers are called upon to increase speeds to that of the highway traffic and usability the on-ramp and resultant merging lanes as a means to flow smoothly into highway traffic.
Drivers be obliged signal, gain shoot, and unite safely into the circulate of traffic.
Combine lanes, of direction, are toughened in search “merging” – they are typically short at near make-up and pass on cessation at some location in time. Lane closures also end at some station in time.
Closed lanes on a highway require unconventional acclaim and driver courtesy.
Some drivers on stick around until the last imaginable twinkling of an eye and crack to cram into traffic in advance of the lane closes.
Other drivers call to be aware that these drivers are a definite venture to the flow of traffic. Attempts to design such tactless drivers may preside over to other more serious consequences, such as driver confrontations or multiple car crashes.
All drivers take a responsibility to adjust their timeliness in buy to let someone have gaps for merging traffic. If drivers properly period their following interval, these adjustments will be minor and effectively forcible to the even flow of traffic. If you are traveling in the settle lane and you compare with a freeway onramp, you should be hip that other traffic may make an effort to merge either in show of you or behind you.
If you can, it is first-rate to move in of the upright lane to tolerate these vehicles easier entrance.
More tips on defensive driving will follow.
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